I had to take some pictures for class and used my little sister and her best friends as my models. They were so giggley and so cute. Thanks for being my models girls! Love you amers!
This was a struggle, and only up for a few days because i could not figure out how to hang up the rope light. I ended up ducktaping it up, that did not last... But i stole this idea from the store Anthropologie it was fun while it lasted!
My mom for valentines day/brandon's birthday dinner made us each individual heart shaped cakes. She is so creative, they turned out so cute and so so yummy! I'm so lucky to be in such a creative family!
Speaking of valentines day... i found these posted on another blog and i thought they were so funny! I wish i would have found them before valentines, i would have totally sent them out!
For my digital imaging class i had to take a portrait of someone and apply texture. This is my best friend trista, it was fun photographing her. Thanks for being such a great sport trist!
I made a blog! I decided to make a blog because i love reading everyone else's blogs and so i can upload my crazy and fun life i'm living right now. I currently live in provo a couple blocks away from BYU, and i am attending UVSC. I recently decided i am going into wedding photography, and since so many of my friends are getting married in the next couple months i am going to start creating a portfolio and snapping some pictures of them. The name of my company is still non existent so if anyone has any ideas let me know. I'm taking 15 credits and since most of those are art classes (which means 2 hours long) my days at school are very long. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. With only two short breaks. It wears me out, but its been a fun semester. I am working at thee cutest store ever, and if you haven't been in to see me yet, you must! Its a cute little boutique called Dear Lizzie in Highland. Its the ultimate girly store and the owner is such a sweetie, she has been fun to work with. Anywho... that sums up the basics and now let the posting begin!