Thursday, January 1, 2009

look out 2009 here i come!

photo courtesy of detail24

I am so astonished on how fast 2008 went by.
But yet, i am thrilled to see what 2009 has in store for me!
I want to blog {some of} my goals so i can go back at the end of the year
and make sure i completed them! So here they are...

*smile more!
*sign up to volunteer at primary children's hospital
{i've been wanting to do this for the past 4 months and keep forgetting}
*travel to ITALY! this is my year.
*improve as a photographer and invest in more equiptment
*be a better sister to my siblings, and a better daughter to my parents
*save, save, save, save, save!
*eat very healthy and eat more fruits & veggies!
*be more thoughful.
*take more yoga classes!
*get more organized and keep my room cleaned.
{i am really bad at that}
*write more pink notes: notes about people that inspire me,
or who do incredible things i admire.
*get my associates degree. finally.

last but not least...
*blog more!!!

there you have them folks.


Tanner Winnie said...

Great goals. There is one problem however. Go to Italy, but save, save, save? That doesn't work so well. Unless you meant that "save, save, save" to be save for Italy. THEN it works.

Sarah Jane said...

i parallel those values. lets do some of things together??!!! like ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brooke said...

Good job. Sounds great!

Adrienne said...

I think it IS your year for Italy! Go to the Cinque Terre. You'll go crazy. You can't take a bad picture there. And you'll probably want to sell everything you have and live there forever.

Emily Call said...

Those are great goals Courtney! I want to go to Italy one day! I hope you will go so I can live vicariously through you.