Monday, April 5, 2010

lookie what i bought

an instax mini camera. mmm.
she is my new best friend.
and so far, we have had a joyous time together.
photos coming soon.


Tingler said...

it costs a butt load of money in the states. but yeah fun stuff. I gave mine away.

kylee said...

ahhh so jealous! can't wait to see the lovely pictures you took with that joy of a camera.

Amy said...

I love your style, creativity, your new camera...I love it all! And yes--please give me a call when you're in AZ, i'll take you to lunch. I'd love to see you!

Emily Call said...

fun. can't wait to see more pictures with the new camera.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

oooo I am so jealous!